Thursday, January 27, 2011

Added Stuff!!

I've been spending a crazy amount of time in Design mode for Reader's Dialogue. But I'm really excited about the things I've been adding, so it's all good!

I've added two things to the sidebar:

1) HOT OFF THE PRESS: A list of the books I've reviewed that were published within the past month or will be released in the following month, along with the release date. I realized that I've reviewed some books that won't be released until August 2011, so this is to keep the titles current, letting you know what's on the market now.

2) WAITING ON THE SEQUEL: SERIES IN PROGRESS: This is more for me than for my followers! But it's good for everyone to have this, I guess. It's just that so many books I'm reading lately are trilogies, or at least have sequels. So this is to keep track of "first books" I've read so I'll be on the lookout for the sequels as they come out. I wanted to add the expected publication date for the sequels, but I'm not finding any info on that.

Plus, did you notice the new banner? It's drawn by Daiana Munoz. Check out her website - she has a few stories going on!

And I've played around with the fonts, colors, sizes, etc. Just having fun!

So tell me what you think of the new stuff. Any comments, criticism, suggestions - I'd love to hear them all!

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