Sunday, February 19, 2012


Author: Andrea Cremer
Publisher: Philomel (Penguin)
Released: January 24, 2012
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Series: Nightshade Trilogy
Source: Bought
Challenge: Speculative Romance

Calla has always welcomed war.

But now that the final battle is upon her, there's more at stake than fighting. There's saving Ren, even if it incurs Shay's wrath. There's keeping Ansel safe, even if he's been branded a traitor. There's proving herself as the pack's alpha, facing unnamable horrors, and ridding the world of the Keepers' magic once and for all. And then there's deciding what to do when the war ends. If Calla makes it out alive, that is.
To start with, I'll recap what I thought about the first two books. Nightshade was breathtaking - so awesome, with nail-biting moments and real passionate romance, and such real landscaping that I actually felt like I was in the story. Wolfsbane was solid - good info-giving and setting up for the final world-ending battle.

So for this one, Bloodrose, I was somewhat disappointed. The reality of the relationships was lacking a bit, as Calla was suddenly not struggling to deal with Ren's love for her while she loves Shay, but actually embracing the fact that she loves both boys! I don't know, it just didn't speak to me.

And the pacing of the book was somewhat off. At first, the expeditions to get the Elemental Cross go by really quickly, one after the other, with hardly any set-up between each one. But during the final battle, time slooooowsss down, and the group spends way too much time in lighthearted banter when others are busy losing their lives diverting attention from them. It made me mad at the characters, and I lost some respect for them.

So not the greatest end to an awesome beginning. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I really should finish the second book. For some reason I stopped reading half way through. The third one looks good though.
